Trezor® Hardware* Wallet®

Safely store your Bitcoin, Litecoin, and more with Trezor hardware wallets, offering unparalleled security and peace of mind for crypto enthusiasts.

If you've lost or damaged your Trezor hardware wallet, you can still recover access to your stored cryptocurrencies by following these steps:

  1. Stay Calm: Losing the physical device can be distressing, but remember that your cryptocurrencies are not stored on the device itself; they're on the blockchain. The device holds the private keys needed to access and manage your funds.

  2. Get a Replacement: Obtain a new Trezor hardware wallet. You'll need this to recover your funds.

  3. Recovery Seed: When you first set up your Trezor, you were provided with a recovery seed, usually a list of 12 or 24 words. This seed is crucial. It's essentially a backup of your private keys.

  4. Access Recovery Mode: With your new Trezor device, initiate the setup process. During setup, you'll be prompted to either "Create a new wallet" or "Recover wallet." Choose "Recover wallet."

  5. Enter Recovery Seed: Follow the prompts to enter your recovery seed. Type in the words in the order they were given to you during the initial setup. Take your time and ensure accuracy.

  6. Confirm and Set PIN: After entering the recovery seed, you may be asked to set a new PIN for your device. This is an added layer of security.

  7. Wallet Recovery: Once you've entered the recovery seed and set a new PIN, your new Trezor device will recreate your wallet and grant you access to your cryptocurrencies.

  8. Transfer Funds: Now that you have access to your wallet again, consider transferring your funds to a secure location, perhaps a new hardware wallet or a reputable software wallet.

Remember to keep your recovery seed safe and secure. It's essentially the master key to your funds. Never share it with anyone and store it in a location where it won't be easily damaged or lost.

Last updated